Graduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Social Media in Global Cultures

Serving through media across cultures in the mission of God

Why Social Media in Global Cultures?

The Graduate Certificate in Social Media in Global Cultures equips students to assess content marketing strategies, organizational identity branding, constituent engagement, and community relationship generation through the cultural lens of various global contexts. The program empowers students with cultural sensitivity in the development and deployment of social media to diverse audiences.

With more than 58% of the world's population having internet access, online connectivity is truly a global phenomenon. The countries with the highest internet penetration rate are the UAE, Iceland, Norway, Qatar, Bermuda, Andorra, and Aruba with a 99 percent online usage rate. Today faith-based organizations have an ever-expanding capability to influence not only their local communities but to make an international impact through their mission efforts: both through physical and digital presence. The Graduate Certificate in Social Media in Global Cultures provides the knowledge and experiential background needed to serve in ministries, mission agencies, churches, church groups, and schools as well as Christian business entities internationally.