Students assess different approaches to integrating spirituality with missionality in current and past literature. They explore various forms of spiritual development and soul-care that encourage participants in both their spiritual depth and missional practice. Students experience creative spiritual practices and develop customized spiritual development plans for their missional context.
Students learn to form a sustainable rhythm of spirituality as they engage with their contexts. They explore and develop new practices of missional spirituality in order to engage with their context in a way that is not draining but thriving.
Ministry practitioners spend much of their time and energy giving to other people. This course sets a foundation for ministry by helping students form a sustainable rhythm of spirituality that empowers a life of long-faithfulness in their contexts. This course encourages students to continuously long and seek for more of God through spiritual practices as they serve as spiritual mentors for those around them.
This course recognizes that our need for spiritual practices and an intimate connection with God comes from the biblical story and the triune divinity. Furthermore, the trinity serves as the model for our own active participation in the life of the community
This course starts with the premise that we need a thriving life through spiritual disciplines in order to develop a practice and strategy for missional living
This course looks at a missional spirituality that follows after the Christ model of incarnational living and gives space for contextually appropriate spiritual practices
This course encourages diversity, equality and cultural sensitivity through the spiritual practice of hospitality.
Through communal spiritual practices, this course encourages students to connect to the redemptive and reconciling mission of God.
This course guides students through an introspective process of evaluating one's rhythm of life with God and community, and encourages students to explore innovative approaches of missional spirituality.