Associate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Missional Praxis

Serving by joining the mission of God

Why Missional Praxis?

This program focuses on developing students' understanding and practice of missional living, disciplemaking, and engaging diverse worldviews in the context of the Mission of God (Missio Dei). Through the five courses, students are equipped with theological foundations, practical strategies, and spiritual tools for living missionally in various cultural and social contexts. They learn to integrate their personal faith journey with evangelism, disciplemaking, and cultural engagement while fostering their own spiritual growth.

Students should take this program because it offers a holistic approach to missional living that combines theological depth with practical applications, helping them respond to the evolving spiritual and cultural landscape of the 21st century. It empowers them to develop authentic missional communities, engage non-believers, and adapt evangelism strategies to different worldviews, all while nurturing their personal spiritual vitality.

In everyday life, students can apply what they learn by living missionally in their own communities, sharing their faith in culturally relevant ways, and making disciples through intentional and relational approaches. Whether in ministry, professional settings, or personal relationships, they will be able to practice and teach the biblical principles of mission and disciplemaking.