Academic Regulations

Academic Procedures

Grading Policies

Grades will be given on a basis determined by the professor and announced to the class. These usually include daily work, tests, papers, the student’s attendance and participation in class, and the final examination.

The following shows the University grade point system in use, but please note that for some assignments professors may announce other percentage systems appropriate to the subject matter.

Letter Grade Grade Percentage Grade Points

A    95-100 4.00

A-    92-94 3.67

B+   89-91 3.33

B 86-88 3.00

B- 83-85 2.67

C+ 80-82 2.33

C 77-79 2.00

C- 74-76 1.67

D+ 71-73 1.33

D 68-70 1.00

D- 65-67 0.67

F 0-64 0.00

What Letter Grades Mean

A means exceptional work, outstanding or surpassing achievement of objectives.

B means good work, the substantial achievement of objectives.

C means acceptable work, the essential achievement of objectives.

D means marginal work, the minimal or inadequate achievement of objectives.

F means unacceptable work, failure of objectives.

The following grades may also be assigned:

E (Extension) - Students applied for and received an official grade extension. This grade counts as an “F” until the work is completed. This grade is assigned by the Registrar after a professor has approved the extension.

N (No grade) -The grade of “N” is neutral and does not negatively affect a student’s GPA. The professor assigns this grade when he or she cannot submit the final grade due to the professor's circumstances.

W (Withdrawal) -This grade is assigned by the Registrar when a student officially withdraws from a course after the first week of the academic term. The grade of “W” is neutral and does not negatively affect a student’s GPA.

X (Did not complete the Final Examination/Project) - This grade should remain only until the student has an opportunity to make up the final exam. This grade counts as an “F” until the exam is taken. The grade will become an "F" if the student does not take the exam by the deadline for grade extensions.

In certain courses, Credit/No Credit, instead of a letter grade, may be assigned by the instructor.

Disputes About Grades

  • Such disputes should be submitted in writing to the professor.
  • If a student decides to appeal the decision, the written appeal should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office for committee evaluation.
  • The whole matter must be resolved no later than the end of the next term. Grades that are not contested before that time are final.

Grade Point Average

  • Grades for credit transferred from recognized collegiate institutions are not considered a part of the student’s grade point average.
  • To compute grade point average, multiply the GPA for each course by the quality point equivalent for the grade (usually 1 unless otherwise noted). Then divide the sum of these grade points by the sum of the GPA hours. 

Privacy Rights and Records: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Policies

The Buckley Amendment

On June 17, 1976, the rules and regulations applying to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, section 438 of the General Education Provisions Act, became final. The act states (a) that a written institutional policy must be established and (b) that a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students must be made available. Missional University shall maintain the confidentiality of student education records in accordance with the provisions of the act and shall accord all the rights under the act to students who are declared independent and who are or have been in attendance at Missional University.

At Missional University, the permanent records covered by the Act include the student’s application for admission; high school and/or previous college transcript; ACT/SAT scores; correspondence with our admissions office; documents pertaining to grade reports, dates of attendance, approval of leaves of absence; correspondence with the deans; senior class status; and course distribution summary forms on file in the Registrar’s office; and the materials contained in the student’s career planning file.

The act includes a list of types of records not open to student inspection. Education records do not include the following:

  1. Records of instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel and ancillary educational personnel which are in sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any other individual except a substitute who may temporarily perform the duties of the maker;
  2. Records of a law enforcement unit of Missional University which are maintained separately from education records, are maintained solely for law enforcement purposes, and are not disclosed to individuals other than law enforcement officers of the same jurisdiction, provided that education records of Missional University may not be disclosed to the law enforcement unit;
  3. Records relating to individuals who are employed by Missional University which are made and maintained in the normal course of business, relate exclusively to individuals in their capacity as employees and are not available for another purpose.

Note: Records of persons who are employed solely as a consequence of University attendance, e.g., teaching/graduate assistants, work-study students, are education records. Records created and maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional, such as student health records to be used solely in connection with the provision of treatment to the student and not disclosed to anyone other than for treatment purposes, provided that records may be disclosed to physicians or professionals of student's choice.

Note: Treatment in this context does not include remedial educational activities or other activities, which are part of the program of instruction at Missional University.

  1. Records of an institution, which contain only information relating to a person after that person is no longer a student at the institution; e.g., accomplishments of alumni.
  2. Parents’ financial statements.
  3. Confidential letters and recommendations were written before January 1, 1975; letters and recommendations are written after January 1, 1975, but specifically designated as confidential.

Higher education institutions are allowed to publish “directory information” including the student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, a program of study, participation in officially recognized activities, dates of attendance, degrees, and awards received, and the most recent previous educational institution attended. If any current Missional University student does not want such directory information to be disclosed, he or she must notify the Director of Student Services in writing of the specific information not to be released. Such notification is necessary within ten days of the first day of class of the fall academic term annually.

Missional University administrators, faculty, and members of established college committees who have a legitimate educational interest may have access to students’ and former students’ files without prior consent. Specific federal, state, and local officials and educational agencies conducting studies are also permitted access for definite reasons provided that personally identifiable data are not transferred to anyone else. In addition, proper parties concerning an application for or receipt of financial aid have access. Missional University will forward a student’s education records on written request to another school in which the student seeks or intends to enroll. Prior consent for disclosure of personally identifiable information is not required when the information is needed in connection with a health or safety emergency or is to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena after a reasonable effort to notify the student is made.

Except as above described, Missional University must obtain written consent of the student before disclosing personally identifiable information from the educational records. Such consent must be signed and dated by the student. It must include a specification of the records to be disclosed, the purpose or purposes of the disclosure, and the party or class of parties to whom the disclosure may be made. The institution is required to maintain a record of all non-exempted requests for and disclosures of personally identifiable information from the education records of all students. The affected student may inspect this record of disclosure.

A student, former student, or applicant for admission may waive any of his or her rights under the act by executing a written signed waiver. Such a waiver may be revoked with respect to any action occurring after the revocation. The revocation must be in writing and signed by the student.

A student or former student believing information contained in his or her education record is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of his or her privacy or other rights may request Missional University to amend the record. Such a request must be in writing and clearly state the error as well as the correction. If no mutual agreement is reached within a reasonable time, the student or former student may request a formal hearing in order to challenge the content of his or her education record. The institution will endeavor to hold the hearing within thirty days of receipt of the request and to have a decision rendered in writing within fifteen days of the conclusion of the hearing. The hearing shall be conducted and the decision rendered by an institutional official or other party appointed by the President who does not have a direct interest in the outcome of the hearing. The decision of the institution will be based solely upon the evidence presented at the hearing and will include a summary of the evidence and the reasons for the decision. The student will be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised and may be assisted or represented by individuals of his or her choice, including an attorney.

Minutes will be kept of all hearings. On the request of either party, a verbatim transcript will be made. In such a case, the hearing officer of the transcript will extend the time allotted to render a decision to fifteen days after receipt. The minutes or transcript of the hearing will become part of the student’s education record. If, as a result of the hearing, it is decided the education record will be amended, such action will be taken, and the student will be so notified in writing. If, as a result of the hearing, the decision is to maintain the contested information in the student’s record, the student has the right to place in his or her record a statement commenting on the contested information and stating his or her reasons for disagreeing with the decision of the institution. This explanation shall become a part of the education record and will be disclosed in conjunction with the contested information.

Students who believe that the adjudication of their challenges was unfair or not in keeping with the provisions of the act may request, in writing, assistance from the President of Missional University to aid them in filing a complaint with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act office (FERPA), Department of Education, Room 4074, Switzer Building, Washington, D.C., 20202.

Once a student has requested access to his or her records, such student records shall not be destroyed until inspection and review have been provided. The following items shall not be destroyed or removed from the records: (a) “explanations” placed in the records by the student; and (b) records of disclosure and requests for disclosures. Missional University reserves the right to destroy information contained in student records and files when information on file is no longer valid and/or useful, e.g., letters of recommendation once they have been used for their original purpose. (Printed in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Policies.) 

Academic Probation, Suspension, Dismissal & Withdrawal

Academic Probation

Students are placed on academic probation for one academic term if, at the end of any given academic term, the student’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA) falls below 2.00.

Also, students are placed on academic probation for one academic term upon returning from academic suspension. Students on academic probation will be assigned to work closely the Office of the Student Services. Students may be required to take a reduced course load while on academic probation.

A student whose CGPA does not meet or exceed 2.00 at the end of the probationary academic term, but whose academic term GPA meets or exceeds 2.30, may be allowed to continue on probation for an additional academic term.

A student who earns a CGPA of less than 1.00 in his/her first academic term at Missional University may be subject to academic suspension at the end of that academic term without a period of probation.

Probationary standing may only be cleared with grades earned at Missional University. A probationary student whose CGPA meets or exceeds 2.00 will be removed from probation.

Academic Suspension

Students are placed on academic suspension if, at the end of the probationary academic term, the student’s CGPA does not meet or exceed 2.00. The student may be subject to academic suspension for a period of one academic term.

A student on suspension for academic deficiency normally is readmitted to Missional University after one academic term has lapsed. A suspended student must submit a letter requesting readmission. The Readmission Committee meets to consider these requests. Once the student is readmitted, the Office of the Registrar will send course and registration information to the student’s College e-mail address unless an alternative e-mail address has been provided.

A student who has been readmitted following a period of academic suspension will remain eligible to continue studies as long as his/her academic term GPA for each academic term meets or exceeds 2.30, even though his/her CGPA may be below the 2.00 requirement.

A student returning from an academic suspension may be placed in non-credit remedial courses, at the discretion of the Department chair of the school of student’s chosen major.

Academic Dismissal

Students may be subject to dismissal if they incur a second academic suspension.

Academic Withdrawal

All applications for withdrawal from courses must be formally submitted to the Registrar’s office via the forms provided.

A student may only withdraw from a course or change to auditor status during the first two weeks of the eight-week term. 

Failure to officially withdraw will result in a failing grade for each course. 

Approved Leave of Absence

Students in good academic standing who know they are going to be out of school for more than one year may apply for a Leave of Absence (LOA). The Admissions and Academic Standards Committee reviews Registrar forms an ad hoc committee to review all LOA requests. An approved LOA would allow students to return under old catalog requirements and would not require going through the entire admissions process. An LOA would apply to situations where students are required to put their education on hold for financial, medical, or military service reasons.

Students must apply for an LOA before the academic term starts in which they would not be enrolled. Students may be required to provide documentation supporting the need for an LOA. The LOA would be for a set amount of time. Students may ask for additional time if they apply before the first time period expires. Conditions may be placed on the student’s return. These conditions would be agreed upon by the student and the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee when the student applies for the LOA. Applications for an LOA are available in the Registrar’s Office. 

Medical Leave Policy

Students in good academic and financial standing who develop a medical condition that requires them to discontinue their studies may apply for Medical Leave. Applicants for Medical Leave must submit documentation of treatment, including the recommendation of a physician that the student not be engaged in studies during treatment and recovery. Decisions regarding the granting of medical leave will be made by the University Registrar and the Dean of the student’s School/College.

Medical leave allows students to receive no academic or financial penalty for withdrawal. A student must have a release from his/her physician to be able to return to Missional University. It must specifically state that the student has sufficiently recovered to return to study and that the previous condition will not be a hindrance.

At the time of withdrawal, the University Registrar in conjunction with professors and appropriate Deans will determine the assignment of grades. Most students will receive the grade of "W" but in some cases, it may be possible to assign a "passing" grade for the course. No refund will be given for courses receiving a "passing" grade.

Medical leave is normally granted for the remainder of the academic term plus two additional academic terms. With a doctor’s release, students may return sooner than two academic terms. Extensions can be granted by the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee.

Appeals & Special Requests

Any student wishing to appeal a decision or deadline or wishing to submit a special request should address a formal letter to the relevant Dean.