ELD1000EN - Intro to Missional Spirituality

Course description

This course explores the spiritual dimension of missional engagement in the post-Christendom world. Students will discover practical and creative ways of deepening their personal spirituality allowing more engagement with not-yet Christians and the development of authentic missional community. Resources will include readings, video interviews with practitioners, creative spiritual practices, real-life experimentation and weekly Q & A reports.

How this course benefits students

In order to live missionally whether in your own town or around the world, it is vital to know how to sustain
yourself spiritually as well as the growing community around you. This course:

  1. introduces you to the missional concept
  2. helps you understand your own missional and spiritual journey and
  3. gives you practical tools and creative ideas in prayer and Bible study that are essential in missional living.

Why this course is important

The tectonic plates of the global spiritual world are shifting under our feet. Reliable missionary strategies and traditional one-size-fits-all discipleship plans seem less and less effective. The next wave of established ideas has not yet arrived. We find ourselves in a period of in-between-ness where we all are called upon to develop creative, home-grown, sustainable, and practical solutions to maintain a healthy soul, open to the whispers of the spirit on which we so deeply depend. Therefore, there can be no divorce between our missionality and spirituality. They are intrinsically linked. The more we are missionally engaged in our communities in listening, helping, serving, loving, caring, healing, sharing, the more we need to nurture our own souls. The more our souls are healthy and in sync with the Sending God of Isaiah, the more we can fully respond with “Here am I, send me.”

Credit hours
3 hours
Subject area
Emerging Leadership
Educational level
Learning type
Upcoming terms
* Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Registrar's office with schedule questions.
Prof. David Brazzeal, Instructor in Missional Arts

How this course relates to missional core values

Biblically based

This course introduces the student to a wide variety of Bible study approaches to key missional Biblical texts.

Missionally driven

In this course, the student explores the fundamentals of the missional concept through the examination of the Biblical texts, videos of missional practitioners, and missional experimentation in their local context.

Contextually informed

The student interacts with the material based on his or her own missional context or a context they will soon encounter.

Interculturally focused

In this course, students receive input from missional practitioners from a variety of cultural backgrounds and international experience, including the instructor who has lived missionally in 5 countries.

Practically minded

Students gain a variety of practical tools and creative ideas ready to be used in their own spiritual practice.

Experientially transformed

In this course, the student interacts with material developed in experience, designed to be a transformative experience for the student.