Life in the military embraces a culture distinct from civilian life to the extent that it has a strong influence over veterans throughout their lifespan. To understand and work with military members, veterans, and their families, one must understand this culture and language. This course will examine the formative and pervasive military culture.
The military culture in many ways is distinct from that of the general populations. Before students effectively can have a missional mindset an ministry to military members, they will need to become familiar with many of the customs, traditions, and lifestyles of this unique populations. Students will gain an overview dialogue with many of the issues facing military members.
This class is foundational for understanding this particular subset of American culture.
Ministry throughout the diaspora is a major theme in the book of Acts. Included in this movement is resolving issues across cultural norms. Missional activity to the military culture, whether active, veteran, or retired, is a simlilar activity.
To reach another culture, one must first seek to understand and relate to that specific culture. Military life and culture has many distinctives which need to be addressed before ministering in that enironment.
Understanding cultural dynamics of the military is central to this unique enironment and will greatly help in ministering to this distincitive context.
Military members are a relfection of the general society as a whole as such, have a great level of diversity.
A culture is how a particular group functions. Learning about military life and culture will enable to the student to understand the mindest and daily reality of this unique subset of the population.
Students will interview military members and their families.