MED3400EN - Storytelling through Media

Course description

This course investigates how narrative can be effectively applied in a range of contexts and across multiple media platforms to achieve specific goals. Students explore the opportunities of storytelling with regard to audience engagement, branding and successful marketing, and apply their learning to demonstrate proficiency in developing their own stories.

How this course benefits students

Social media is the lead platform for storytelling. The course gives students the direction they need to effectively narrate stories that entice their audience to take action. Students learn the key principles behind creating narratives that sell and generate results.

Why this course is important

Social media is the key platform for spreading the word to the masses. Businesses and Organizations across the globe can connect with followers in just seconds. They can easily disseminate information and update it in real-time as needed. This course acts as a mechanical drawing board for students interested in connecting with the masses by crafting stories that draw attention, create impact and cause followers to act.

Credit hours
3 hours
Subject area
Educational level
Learning type
Upcoming terms
* Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Registrar's office with schedule questions.

How this course relates to missional core values

Biblically based

This course draws it's characteristics and strengths from Proverbs 16:24 “Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Stories that are pleasing to the Lord, bring honor and glory to His name. It will focus on storytelling that uplifts the name of Jesus with or without actual mention of His name.

Missionally driven

The goal is to write, design, and produce effective, succinct purposeful and missionally-driven stories that can be shared on social media without cause for moral questioning, and seeking to edify Christ in every word and visual.

Contextually informed

This course helps students develop missional storytelling approaches that they can effectively use in their social media spaces.

Interculturally focused

It is critical that students learn to communicate with all types of cultures through all types of media. As social media continues to rise in its use and popularity, the world will also continue to use the platforms as their go-to for information. Effective storytelling is critical to the success of business or organization that wants to succeed in a social media-driven world.

Practically minded

This course equips students with effective storytelling methods that they can utilize on multiple mediated platforms. Students explore multiple storytelling avenues. They learn to navigate when and how to use a specific method of storytelling depending on each individual circumstance.

Experientially transformed

Students are required to utilize hands-on learning to draw conclusions for strong and effective storytelling methods. They have the opportunity to test their methods and monitor and evaluate the methods that are more beneficial than others.