The Department of Ethnic & Reconciliation Studies combines an understanding of culture, conflict resolution and biblical justice in its programs in ethnic and reconciliation studies to prepare graduates for missional ministry in global societies needing racial reconciliation, peace and stability, and the transformation of culture through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The two fundamental questions any normal human being asks to get meaning for existence are: who am I and what am I. These two questions have been addressed and debated by theologians, anthropologists, philosophers, and historians, to mention a few. However, their analysis often begs for more question and explanation. Global societies are still searching for an answer to make meaning out of their meaningless cultural context which is often infected by racial conflict, dictatorial leadership, exploitation, poverty, diseases and hopelessness.
Both in the undergraduate and graduate level of studies, the Department of Ethnic & Reconciliation Studies provides courses to empower missional Christians to engage issues in cultural contexts across the globe. Personal, social and spiritual transformation comes through the power of a gospel-centered witness in both word and deed. Our ultimate hope is not to create Utopia on this earth. The lasting peaceful coexistence of different race and animals on this earth is when the kingdom of God is ushered with its full power and manifestation. The courses we provide enable you to embrace the values of the kingdom of God and live a meaningful and fruitful life between the now and the not yet.