What resources are available to assist the military family advocate? In a time of constrained resources one individual or organization can’t provide for every need military families may face. In this course students will be exposed to the major governmental and private organizations available to assist military advocates and will also explore how to locate and leverage local and regional assets.
Students must know how to effectively build a network of helping organizations which meets the specifice needs of those they are helping. This course will enable students to enhance advocacy skills and develop networks..
This course works to build programs and systems which wlil make a real-life impact for the military family.
Paul's theology of the body of Christ, each part having a role in relationship to the whole, and Paul's practice among the church of collecting assets from the different churches in the diaspora to bring to Jerusalem are biblical precedents for establishing and building coalitions.
One must learn to build a system to reach ministry objectives. Building partnerships helps provide the pathway for reaching others.
Each partner organization will have a particular function in assisting military families.
Not only is the military an intercultural organization, but building partnerships to reach the military family will be bring together different cultural groups to meet the diverse needs.
This course works to build programs and systems which wlil make a real-life imact for the military family.
This course works to build programs and systems which wlil make a real-life impact for the military family.