Graduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Missional Renewal & Congregational Remissioning

Leading congregations into the mission of God

Why Missional Renewal & Congregational Remissioning?

The Graduate Certificate in Missional Renewal & Congregational Remissioning is a missionally driven, interdisciplinary certificate program that involves in-depth study/research of the primary factors and spiritual contours that constitute a missional church. Foundational theological principles that guide missonal churches and core practices that originate from these principles are the focus of this course of study. Students will evaluate past and present church experiences in relation to these principles and practices to identify areas of needed transformation, both personally and ministerially.

This course of study keeps pace with western civilization's discontinuous cultural change and prepares the student to lead in influential ways for Jesus Christ instead of following change and merely conforming to it. Further, this academic emphasis is also experientially rich. Students, therefore, learn and experience how to sow biblical truth into the secularized soil of diverse cultural contexts throughout the world. Personal, spiritual, and cultural transformation is the harvest of Biblical truth.