MCG6110EN - Missional Renewal in an Intercultural World

Course description

This course examines the Missio Dei in light of faithful witness in today’s multicultural world. Special attention is given to the global nature of the missional mandate and students are equipped to identify, understand, and appreciate the role of culture in missions. Students draw upon this foundation to discuss specific cases of strategies in missional renewal for effective cross cultural missional engagements. Students then propose and defend a plan for engaging in an effective intercultural ministry.

How this course benefits students

Missions in today's multicultural world requires a different missional strategy. This course equips students to identify, understand, and appreciate the intercultural challenge of missions in today's world and be able to formulate an appropriate strategy for effective cross cultural missional engagements.

Why this course is important

The mission field is no longer only a far and distant people. Rapid urbanisation, technology and improved means of transportation mean that most cities are becoming multicultural. Mission must be reinvisioned to include intercultural engagements within our communities. This course is important to prepare students for effective missional ministry in this 21st century, which is essentially intercultural.

Credit hours
3 hours
Subject area
Missional Congregations
Educational level
Learning type
Upcoming terms
* Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Registrar's office with schedule questions.
Dr. Vandyck Lomotey, Professor of Missional Planting & Renewal

How this course relates to missional core values

Biblically based

This course is rooted in the biblical mandate of the Great Commission "preach the gospel to every creature" in order to someday have a "great multitude from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages" giving praise to the King. The mandate of the people of God is to reach all tribes and people. The course therefore follows biblical patterns of intercultural missions in pursuit of the Great commission.

Missionally driven

The mandate of the Missio Dei is a global mandate which encompasses demands breaking cultural barriers. In pursuit of the missio Dei, this course helps to formulate and implement strategies for cross cultural engagement.

Contextually informed

The course seeks to delve into the cultural milieu of the 21st century and draw on missional principles for effective engagements for the sake of the Missio Dei.

Interculturally focused

The thrust of this course is to help students understand how cultural nuances impacts the communication of the Gospel and how it impacts personal missional witness.

Practically minded

This course equips students to develop a mindset and strategy for effective intercultural engagements for the sake of the Missio Dei.

Experientially transformed

The study of this course engages the student for both personal transformation and ministry effectiveness through opportunities to understand, identify, and analyse the implications of culture for personal missions.