Department of Cultural & Contextual Theology

Studying the Gospel in Context

The Department of Cultural & Contextual Theology endeavors to understand, develop, and apply the missio dei in and to particular historical, cultural contexts, and culture itself. Graduates learn how the transcultural gospel has been communicated and understood in diverse contexts, and are equipped to fulfill their missional calling in specific contexts and cultural endeavors.

Why Cultural & Contextual Theology?

Our ethnically, racially, and culturally diverse world is prone to reject any metanarrative as oppressive. While the department celebrates global diversity, we are convinced that the biblical redemptive message of Christ is the narrative for every culture, every aspect of culture, and every context.  Those seeking to missionally live out that gospel story must do so aware of diversity, affirming of diversity, embracing diversity, unafraid of diversity, and wisely knowing how to engage and even confront diversity.

The courses and programs in the department challenge students to explore, analyze, and evaluate their own contexts, the contexts of the “other,” and the contexts where God may be calling them to live and work missionally. Graduates then are able to biblically, theologically, and with historical insight develop, critique, and implement global missional initiatives that are not only faithful to God’s mission but also fruitful in their outcome.
