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Course Schedule
Filter this list of course sections using term, subject area, course number, program, search phrase or any combination.
Schedule Term
Subject area
AMB - Estudios Ambientales
ANE - Ancient Near East
ANM - Animation
ANT - Anthropology
ARB - Arabic Studies
BIB - Biblical Studies
BIO - Biological Studies
BTH - Biblical Theology
BUD - Buddhist Studies
BUS - Business as Mission
CDM - Crisis & Disaster Management
CHA - Community Health
CHM - Chemistry Studies
CHP - Church Planting
CIF - Criminal Investigation & Forensics
CJS - Criminal Justice
CLJ - Criminal Law & Justice
CMT - Community Transformation
COM - Communication
COR - Corrections
CTH - Creative Therapy
CUL - Cultural Studies
DEM - Demographic Studies
DGR - Digital Graphics
DRA - Drawing & Painting
DSP - Diaspora Studies
ECE - Experiential Learning SCE
ECM - Experiential Learning SCM
ECO - Ecology Studies
EDR - Ethnodramatology
EEC - Estudios de Ecología
EEM - Experiential Learning SEM
EJS - Environmental Justice
ELD - Emerging Leadership
ELJ - Environmental Law & Justice
EMC - Experiential Learning TMC
EMP - Experiential Learning SMP
EMU - Ethnomusicology
ENG - English
ENS - Environmental Studies
EPI - Epidemology
ETH - Ethnic Studies
ETS - Experiential Learning STS
EVA - Ethnovisual Arts
FCS - Faith Community Services
FFI - Financial Fraud Investigation
FTH - Film & Theatre Studies
GEL - Geological Studies
GEO - Geography
GHL - Global Healthcare
GRC - Greco-Roman Civilization
GRK - Greek Language
GRN - Gerontology
GSP - Geospatial Studies
HEB - Hebrew Language
HIN - Hindu Studies
HIS - Historical Studies
HLJ - Health Law & Justice
HLT - Health
HMN - Health Ministry
HPH - Human Physiology
HSP - Hospice & Palliative Care
ILJ - International Law & Justice
INF - Infectious Disease
ISM - Islamic Studies
ITM - Information Technology Management
JRN - Journalism
JUD - Judaic Studies
LAW - Private Law
LGL - Legal Services
LNG - Linguistics
MAT - Mathematics
MCG - Missional Congregations
MDM - Medical Mission
MED - Media
MFA - Military Family Advocacy
MIS - Mission Studies
MLV - Missional Living
MSA - Mental Health & Substance Abuse
MWS - Music & Worship Studies
NRM - New Religious Movements
NTN - Nutrition
ORG - Organizational Leadership
PCC - Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy
PHY - Physics
PSS - Public Safety & Security
PSY - Psychology
PUB - Publications
REC - Reconciliation Studies
REL - Religion Studies
RHB - Rehabilitation Counseling
SCG - Spiritual Caregiving
SCM - Sustainable Communities
SKT - Sanskrit Studies
SOC - Sociology
SPD - Spiritual Direction
SPT - Sports Management
SWK - Social Work
TCL - Cultural Theology
TEJ - Theology of Equitable Justice
THC - Contextual Theology
THE - Environmental Theology
THG - Geopolitical Theology
THM - Missional Theology
THS - Social Theology
TMD - Medical Theology
TMT - Moral Theology
TSC - Theology of Science
UMS - Urban Mission
VCM - Visual Communication
YFM - Youth & Family
Course number
Associate Certificate in Communication Technology with a focus in Fundamentals of Managing Digital Technology
Associate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Digital Visual Arts
Associate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Emerging Media & Visual Storytelling
Associate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Fundamentals of Communication Across Cultures
Associate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Fundamentals of Music Theory & Composition
Associate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Fundamentals of Storytelling: Tools & Applications
Associate Certificate in Environmental Care with a focus in Biological Foundations & Ecological Mission
Associate Certificate in Environmental Care with a focus in Environmental Sustainability & Ecological Mission
Associate Certificate in GIS Technology with a focus in Fundamentals of Geospatial Technology
Associate Certificate in Global Health with a focus in Global Health & Wellness
Associate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Africana Studies
Associate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Fundamentals of Diaspora Studies
Associate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Fundamentals of Mission Studies
Associate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Church Planting Foundations
Associate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Ministry Among Emerging Generations
Associate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Ministry Studies
Associate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Missional Practice
Associate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Missional Praxis
Associate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Sport Mission
Associate Certificate in Religion Studies with a focus in Comparative Religion Studies
Associate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Fundamentals of Biblical Studies
Associate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Fundamentals of Missional Theology
Associate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Chaplaincy Studies
Associate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Community Development
Associate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Community Health
Associate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Criminal Justice
Associate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Family Studies
Associate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Human Services
Associate of Communication with a major in Communication & Media Studies
Associate of Communication with a major in Graphic Design Media
Associate of Communication with a major in Information Technology
Associate of Communication with a major in Journalism & Publication
Associate of Communication with a major in Music
Associate of Communication with a major in Scriptwriting & Storytelling
Associate of Communication with a major in Worship
Associate of Community Ministry with a major in Behavioral Health
Associate of Community Ministry with a major in Community Development
Associate of Community Ministry with a major in Community Health
Associate of Community Ministry with a major in Criminal Justice
Associate of Community Ministry with a major in Geriatircs & Gerontology
Associate of Community Ministry with a major in Human Services
Associate of Community Ministry with a major in Pastoral Care & Chaplaincy
Associate of Community Ministry with a major in Public Safety & Security
Associate of Community Ministry with a major in Youth & Family Services
Associate of Ecological Mission with a major in Ecology
Associate of Ecological Mission with a major in Environmental Sustainability
Associate of Ecological Mission with a major in Geospatial Studies
Associate of Ecological Mission with a major in Population Studies
Associate of Global Health with a major in Global Health Studies
Associate of Intercultural Studies with a major in African Studies
Associate of Intercultural Studies with a major in Anthropology Studies
Associate of Intercultural Studies with a major in Diaspora Studies
Associate of Intercultural Studies with a major in Mission Studies
Associate of Missional Practice with a major in Business Administration
Associate of Missional Practice with a major in Missional Church Planting
Associate of Missional Practice with a major in Missional Congregations
Associate of Missional Practice with a major in Missional Practice
Associate of Missional Practice with a major in Multihousing Ministry
Associate of Missional Practice with a major in Non-Profit Management
Associate of Missional Practice with a major in Sport & Recreation Mission
Associate of Missional Practice with a major in Transformational Discipleship
Associate of Missional Practice with a major in Urban Mission
Associate of Missional Practice with a major in Urban Youth
Associate of Religion Studies with a major in World Religions
Associate of Theological Studies with a major in Biblical Studies
Associate of Theological Studies with a major in Theological Studies
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Communication Studies
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Communication Studies
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Cybersecurity Management
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Cybersecurity Management
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Digital Arts
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Digital Arts
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Digital Journalism
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Digital Journalism
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Ethnodramatology
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Ethnodramatology
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Film Studies & Production
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Film Studies & Production
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Information Technology Management
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Information Technology Management
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Media Studies
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Media Studies
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Music Composition & Ethnodoxology
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Music Composition & Ethnodoxology
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Publication & Print Media
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Publication & Print Media
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Scriptwiring, Storytelling & Ethnotheatre
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Scriptwiring, Storytelling & Ethnotheatre
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Social Media Studies
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Social Media Studies
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Visual Communication
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Visual Communication
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Worship Leadership
Bachelor of Communication with a major in Worship Leadership
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Behavioral Healthcare
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Behavioral Healthcare
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Community Development
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Community Development
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Community Health
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Community Health
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Corrections
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Corrections
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Creative Arts Therapy
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Creative Arts Therapy
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Criminal Investigation & Behavorial Profiling
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Criminal Investigation & Behavorial Profiling
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Geriatrics & Gerontology
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Geriatrics & Gerontology
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Military Family Advocacy
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Military Family Advocacy
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Public Safety & Security
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Public Safety & Security
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Rehabilitation Counseling
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Rehabilitation Counseling
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Social Work
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Social Work
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Social Work & Creative Arts Therapy
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Social Work & Creative Arts Therapy
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Youth and Family Studies
Bachelor of Community Ministry with a major in Youth and Family Studies
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Demography & Assessment
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Demography & Assessment
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Ecology
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Ecology
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Environmental Sustainability
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Environmental Sustainability
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Human Geography & GIS
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Human Geography & GIS
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Physical Geography & GIS
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Physical Geography & GIS
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Sustainable Agriculture
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Sustainable Agriculture
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Sustainable Communities
Bachelor of Ecological Mission with a major in Sustainable Communities
Bachelor of Global Health with a major in Global Health & Epidemiology
Bachelor of Global Health with a major in Global Health & Epidemiology
Bachelor of Global Health with a major in Global Health Mission
Bachelor of Global Health with a major in Global Health Mission
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Africana Studies
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Africana Studies
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Cultural Anthropology
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Cultural Anthropology
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Diaspora Studies
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Diaspora Studies
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Folk Studies
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Folk Studies
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Immigration Legal & Interpreting Services
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Immigration Legal & Interpreting Services
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Mission Studies
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Mission Studies
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Missional Evangelism
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Missional Evangelism
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Reconciliation Studies
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in Reconciliation Studies
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in TESOL & Linguistics
Bachelor of Intercultural Studies with a major in TESOL & Linguistics
Bachelor of Justice Studies with a major in Immigration Legal Services
Bachelor of Justice Studies with a major in Immigration Legal Services
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Business as Mission
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Business as Mission
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Church Planting in Pluralistic Societies
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Church Planting in Pluralistic Societies
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Marketplace Ministry & Community Development
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Marketplace Ministry & Community Development
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Military Ministry
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Military Ministry
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Millennial Ministry
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Millennial Ministry
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Missional Arts
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Missional Arts
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Missional Communities
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Missional Communities
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Missional Congregational Ministry
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Missional Congregational Ministry
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Multihousing Ministry & Urban Development
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Multihousing Ministry & Urban Development
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Non Profit Administration
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Non Profit Administration
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Spiritual Direction
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Spiritual Direction
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Sport Management Mission
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Sport Management Mission
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Transformational Discipleship
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Transformational Discipleship
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Urban Ministry
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Urban Ministry
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Urban Youth Ministry
Bachelor of Missional Practice with a major in Urban Youth Ministry
Bachelor of Religion with a major in Buddhist Studies
Bachelor of Religion with a major in Buddhist Studies
Bachelor of Religion with a major in Hindu Studies
Bachelor of Religion with a major in Hindu Studies
Bachelor of Religion with a major in Islamic Studies
Bachelor of Religion with a major in Islamic Studies
Bachelor of Religion with a major in Judaic Studies
Bachelor of Religion with a major in Judaic Studies
Bachelor of Religion with a major in New Religious Movements
Bachelor of Religion with a major in New Religious Movements
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Biblical Studies
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Biblical Studies
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Contextual Theology
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Contextual Theology
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Cultural Theology
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Cultural Theology
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Ecotheology & Mission
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Ecotheology & Mission
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Medical Theology
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Medical Theology
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Missional History
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Missional History
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Missional Theology
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Missional Theology
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Moral Theology & Formation
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Moral Theology & Formation
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Social Theology
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Social Theology
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Theology of Equitable Justice
Bachelor of Theological Studies with a major in Theology of Equitable Justice
Certificado de Pregrado en Cuidado Ambiental con enfoque en Resiliencia Socioecológica en Ecosistemas Acuáticos
Certificado de Pregrado en Cuidado Ambiental con enfoque en Resiliencia Socioecológica en la Economía Ecológica
Certificado de Pregrado en Cuidado Ambiental con enfoque en la Economía Ecológica
Undergraduate Certificate in Communication Technology with a focus in Cybersecurity in Faith-based Organizations
Undergraduate Certificate in Communication Technology with a focus in Information Technology Management
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in 2D & 3D Animation Design
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in 3D Animation
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Acting & Performance
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Advanced 3D Modeling & Design
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in African Ethnomusicology
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in African-American Ethnomusicology
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Asian Ethnomusicology
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Biblical Storytelling
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Digital Arts, Animation & Publishing
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Digital Media & Storytelling
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Dramatic Scriptwriting
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Ethnodramatology in Context
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in European Ethnomusicology
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Global Music Cultures
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Global Visual Culture
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Graphic Design & Media
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Intercultural Communication
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Latin American Ethnomusicology
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Multimedia Writing & Production
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in North American Ethnomusicology
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Print Media & Desktop Publishing
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Social Media for Faith-based Organizations
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Songwriting
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Visual Communication in Global Cultures
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Visual Faith in Global Cultures
Undergraduate Certificate in Creative Communication with a focus in Worship Leadership
Undergraduate Certificate in Environmental Care with a focus in Community Sustainability and Resilience
Undergraduate Certificate in Environmental Care with a focus in Conservation Ecology
Undergraduate Certificate in Environmental Care with a focus in Creation Care & the Environment
Undergraduate Certificate in Environmental Care with a focus in Ecologically Sustainable Development
Undergraduate Certificate in Environmental Care with a focus in Natural Resource Management
Undergraduate Certificate in Environmental Care with a focus in Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems
Undergraduate Certificate in Geospatial Studies with a focus in Applied Geospatial Analysis
Undergraduate Certificate in Geospatial Studies with a focus in Physical Geography
Undergraduate Certificate in Global Health with a focus in Epidemiology & Health Surveillance
Undergraduate Certificate in Global Health with a focus in Global Healthcare
Undergraduate Certificate in Global Health with a focus in Population Studies
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in African Christianity & Mission
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Anthropology of Religion
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Cultural Anthropology
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Folk Religion & Culture
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Hindu Religion & Culture
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Human Geography
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Immigration & Diaspora Studies
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Intercultural Mission
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Interpreting Services
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Missional Evangelism
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Missional Science
Undergraduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies with a focus in Teaching English (TESL/TEFL)
Undergraduate Certificate in Justice Mission with a focus in Issues in Human Trafficking
Undergraduate Certificate in Justice Studies with a focus in Immigration Legal Services
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Collaborative Leadership & Marketplace Transformation
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Military Ministry
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Millennial Ministry
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Missional Church Planting
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Missional Congregational Leadership
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Missional Disciplemaking
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Missional Living
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Missional Praxis
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Non-Profit Administration
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Spiritual Direction
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Sports Management & Mission
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Youth Mission
Undergraduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus on Business as Mission
Undergraduate Certificate in Religion Studies with a focus in Intercultural Theology & Interreligious Dialogue
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in African Theology
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Biblical Greek
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Biblical Hebrew
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Contextual Theology
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Culture & Society of the New Testament Era
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Economic Theology
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Ecotheology
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Missional Theology & Practice
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Moral Theology & Ethics
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in New Testament Mission
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Old Testament Mission
Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies with a focus in Social Theology & Justice
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in At-Risk Youth
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Community Health Promotion
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Community Policing & Restorative Justice
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Creative Arts Therapy
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Criminal Justice & Investigation
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Crisis & Disaster Management
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Drama Therapy
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Faith Community Services
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Hospice & Palliative Care
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Immigrant Human Services
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Mental Health Practice
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Military Family Advocacy
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Music Therapy
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Pastoral Care
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Prison Ministry & Corrections
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Public Security & Terrorism
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Senior Adult & Geriatric Care
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Spiritual Caregiving
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Veteran & Military Family Healthcare
Undergraduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Youth & Family Services
Prof. David Brazzeal, Instructor in Missional Arts
Prof. Greg Gidman, Instructor in International Sports Management
Dr. David Yauk, Professor of Missional Worship
Search phrase
August 2023 Term
Aug. 21, 2023 - Oct. 15, 2023
SPT - Sports Management
SPT4720EN - Sport Facility and Event Management
Internet, asynchronous
Learning type
August 2023
Start date
Aug. 21, 2023
End date
Oct. 15, 2023
Course fee
THM - Missional Theology
THM1000EN - Exploring the Mission of God
Internet, asynchronous
Learning type
August 2023
Start date
Aug. 21, 2023
End date
Oct. 15, 2023
Course fee
THM3400EN - Intro to Missional Theology
Internet, asynchronous
Learning type
August 2023
Start date
Aug. 21, 2023
End date
Oct. 15, 2023
Course fee
October 2023 Term
Oct. 23, 2023 - Dec. 17, 2023
BIB - Biblical Studies
BIB4310EN - Mission of God in the End Times
Internet, asynchronous
Dr. Fergus J. King
Learning type
October 2023
Start date
Oct. 23, 2023
End date
Dec. 17, 2023
Course fee
ILJ - International Law & Justice
ILJ3740EN - Intro to Global Sport Law
Internet, asynchronous
Learning type
October 2023
Start date
Oct. 23, 2023
End date
Dec. 17, 2023
Course fee
TCL - Cultural Theology
TCL4700EN - Theology of Worship
Internet, asynchronous
Dr. David Yauk
Learning type
October 2023
Start date
Oct. 23, 2023
End date
Dec. 17, 2023
Course fee
THM - Missional Theology
THM1000EN - Exploring the Mission of God
Internet, asynchronous
Learning type
October 2023
Start date
Oct. 23, 2023
End date
Dec. 17, 2023
Course fee
THM3400EN - Intro to Missional Theology
Internet, asynchronous
Learning type
October 2023
Start date
Oct. 23, 2023
End date
Dec. 17, 2023
Course fee
January 2024 Term
Jan. 8, 2024 - March 4, 2024
BIB - Biblical Studies
BIB3100EN - Missional Practice of Jesus in the Gospels
Internet, asynchronous
Learning type
January 2024
Start date
Jan. 8, 2024
End date
March 4, 2024
Course fee
MWS - Music & Worship Studies
MWS2210EN - Composing Music for Everyday Life
Internet, asynchronous
Dr. David Yauk
Learning type
January 2024
Start date
Jan. 8, 2024
End date
March 4, 2024
Course fee