Examines the Biblical and theological understanding of human nature, specifically as it relates to race and ethnicity. Students will develop a theology of race and ethnicity that will prepare them to love their neighbors of all cultures as they engage contemporary issues such as racism, immigration, justice, and the refugee crisis.
Every student will recognize that all humans, himself included, struggle with biases and prejudices. This course will assist the student in understanding the Biblical perspective on race and ethnicity and develop strategies to engage all peoples of all tongues and tribes in ministry and missions.
Revelation promises that people from all tribes and all nations will be part of the kingdom of God. This course provides the Biblical foundations for understanding equality before God, for loving one’s neighbor as oneself, and for overcoming biases and prejudices in one’s missional endeavors.
The Bible recognizes races and ethnicities, and commands the Christian to take the gospel to panta ta ethne
The Great Commission found in Matthew and Luke speak of making disciples to all people and to the ends of the earth
There are few human issues that determine context as do race and ethnicity. This course helps the student see those contexts with Biblical and missional eyes.
Culture is intimately tied to race and ethnicity.
The course will equip the student to sensitively and missionally engage people of all races and ethnicities.
The course will require the student to examine his own racial and ethnic presuppositions and fruitfully engage those of other races and ethnicities.