THE3120EN - Theology of the Land and Environment

Course description

The land is a reflection of God’s character as stated in several verses of scripture. Why then, are more Christians not motivated to preserve and protect the entire created world? This course investigates the various verses in scripture and relates these to diverse religious and cultural perspectives on environmental issues. Particular emphasis is placed on the relationship of religion and ecology.

How this course benefits students

Students are equipped with deeply discerning the interconnectedness of religion and ecology. In order to determine how one must act, they must first understand what has been researched, discussed, proven, or disproven in the past. This course allows the student to be exposed to diverse perspectives which allow for a greater understanding of the problem and potential solutions.

Why this course is important

In order to create solutions to the ecological crisis, Christians must look towards others that have addressed the lack of connection to the environment and review their ideas. All humans are impacted by the lack of regard for the land and environment. Wisdom from those that have explored solutions is essential to determining the best course of action for Christian communities.

Credit hours
3 hours
Subject area
Environmental Theology
Educational level
Learning type
Upcoming terms
* Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Registrar's office with schedule questions.
Dr. Jadyn Harris, Professor of Ecotheology

How this course relates to missional core values

Biblically based

Biblical and theological perspectives ground this course in understanding of God’s reflection of character in creation and how students might begin to restore, protect, and regenerate the land.

Missionally driven

This course allows for the potential to grow in both missional and spiritual lives by gaining skills and knowledge that advance God’s desires for creation.

Contextually informed

This course ensures that all information presented is contextualized in order to weave a full perspective of the issues to grasp how all the elements presented, scripture, history, and theological concepts enhance a missional lifestyle.

Interculturally focused

Intercultural perspectives are explored in this course that relates to the theology of land and the environment. Inclusivity is applied to all students and thus considers location, cultures, and socio-economic status, as well as prior educational experience of all participants of the course.

Practically minded

Socio-Ecological justice perspectives are introduced in this course to consider different approaches and perspectives of the land and environment, so that meaningful conversations and solutions are fostered.

Experientially transformed

Throughout the course, students actively creates solutions to ecological problems in their own homes and communities. Reflection and introspection are fostered to align with the Missio Dei.