Surveys the development of the Latin American theological panorama. The student will explore the development of Latin American theology from the Conciliar, Evangelical and Roman Catholic perspectives, including a brief introduction to Liberation Theologies and the contextual theological thrust behind the development of the Latin American Theological Fraternity.
The context of Latin America is predominantly Roman Catholic; however, Evangelicals have surged in recent decades to significant minority status in several countries. Any understanding of Latin American immigration, cross-cultural ministry, or missions in the Latin American context will require an understanding of changes and challenges in both Roman Catholicism and evangelicalism. This course applies to a variety of career or volunteer paths, mostly because it deals with profound challenges in Latin American mission. A student planning to serve in general education, theological education, health programs, business, missional training, sociological and anthropological studies will benefit from this course.
This course will enable the student to understand the complexities of mission in contexts of oppression, poverty and powerlessness. Anybody engaged in mission in Latin America (including Latinos in the US) needs to have an in depth grasp of these contextual realities in order to have a transformational ministry.
Biblically-based Latin American theology is the core element for a missional praxis that will bring forth community transformation.
Latin American theology will demonstrate its missional power through its remarkable reflection and action.
Latin American theology is rooted in its own contexts, which are interwoven in a wonderful tapestry.
Latin American theology brings in itself a wealth of intercultural weaving
Latin American theology is intentionally constructed to produce a solid praxis.
Latin American theology is focused on transformed societies from a biblical and theological reflection and praxis.