Exploration of factors underlying migration of peoples throughout the world and the implications for providing services to migrant communities. It focuses on the impact of migration on families and children in immigrant communities. Upon completion, student will develop an awareness and respect for migrant family issues and establish skills in the field of practice with migrants.
This course is for students interested in working within the immigrant communities.
This course is essential because it will prepare students for practice and leadership roles in the fields of social work and social welfare. Students will be able to identify themselves as professional social workers and conduct themselves accordingly
When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:33-34. The world is becoming increasingly globalized; more people are leaving their homelands to seek better lives and opportunities elsewhere. There are many diverse and complex reasons for migration, ranging from economic necessity, war, or some type of persecution. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors. The Bible is unambiguous in calling us to welcome aliens and strangers in our land, and to love them as we love ourselves. This course will be built on the biblical principles as stated in Leviticus 19:33-34.
This course will enhance the mission work of the clinical social worker through work with the families and children in immigrant communities.
In the US, immigrant families constitute a large and growing proportion of the population. About one-fourth of children born in this country are either immigrants or children of immigrants. Immigrant groups are more culturally diverse, have limited financial and social resources, experience higher poverty rates. Therefore, they are a population that seems to have higher need for attention. This course serves as an empowerment approach to social problems. It will highlight cultural adjustment and access to language, economic, health, and education services and benefits as defined by policies and laws. Specific problem areas related to families and children of immigrants will include child welfare, trafficking in persons, interpersonal violence, mental and physical disabilities.
The course focuses on families and children of immigrants communities and examines how clinical social workers will be able to serve their needs.
This course will give students the practice tools and insight needed to work with immigrant and refugee families. The format for the class may include lecture, discussion, videotapes, small group exercises, panel discussions, and role play. It is designed for maximum student participation and sharing of experiences and insights in order to facilitate the integration of theory and advanced practice.
Students will be able to apply what they are learning into everyday work with families and children in immigrant communities. Social Work field placement will involve work with families and children in immigrant communities.