Examination of new religions against the backdrop of the historical and socio-cultural factors that gave rise to them. Students will explore the origin, development and key individuals of selected new religious movements. In doing so, students will gain an appreciation for the impact historical setting has on the birth and development of new religious movements.
It is important that students understand the historical context, which gave birth to new religious movements. It is the historical context that provides an explanation for why NRMs are found attractive by adherents. Equipped with this knowledge, students will be in a better position to demonstrate how only in the gospel are those needs ultimately met.
Understanding the historical context from which new religious movements emerge contributes to a comprehensive understanding of new religious movements. This is essential if students are to effectively minister to those in new religious movements.
This course will instruct students in effectively communicating the gospel among new religious movements.
Knowing the historical context from which NRMs emerge assists the student in discerning where God is at work in the heart and life of a person drawn to a new religious movement.
This course places NRMs in their historical context.
This course will compare and contrast the historical and cultural settings of NRMs.
This course equips students to demonstrate the historical context from which NRMs emerge. This is important because it allows students to focus on the existential needs that NRMs meet.
Students are encouraged to interact with adherents of new religious movements.