MWS3300EN - Planning & Leading Effective Worship

Course description

Students develop and express and broad-based philosophy regarding planning and leading corporate worship, discover useful criteria for music selection, explore current worship paradigms and the use of the arts in worship, plan culturally relevant worship services which are rich in scripture and utilize biblical models.

How this course benefits students

Career and volunteer worship leaders are usually gifted musicians but many lack a complete understanding of planning corporate worship due to a lack of appropriate training or experience. Modern church experiences of these leaders have often been only worship dominated by Christian commercial music industry models. This course will introduce students to strategies for designing worship events, which are biblically sound, focused on congregational engagement, and culturally relevant.

Why this course is important

Commercial music industry models and artists dominate modern church worship around the world. This paradigm often results in worship events, which are based on concert formats and featured artist gifts and abilities. In this course, students explore planning and leading effective corporate worship events - with sound biblical foundations, rich in scriptural content, and intentionally engaging the congregation gathered.

Credit hours
3 hours
Subject area
Music & Worship Studies
Educational level
Learning type
Upcoming terms
* Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Registrar's office with schedule questions.
Prof. Bill Rowe, Instructor in Music & Worship

How this course relates to missional core values

Biblically based

Worship leading and planning content is based on biblically sound principles and models.

Missionally driven

Course content is useful for worship planning in both established congregations and in missional settings.

Contextually informed

Course content and learner outcomes allow and encourage students to express and apply concepts within the appropriate social and spiritual context of their ministry.

Interculturally focused

Students learn worship planning dynamics suitable for use in any cultural setting.

Practically minded

Topics and content explored theologically and philosophically are given expression through practical assignments.

Experientially transformed

Understanding of concepts explored and discovered will be demonstrated and reinforced through practical and experiential assignments.