HMN3210EN - Historical Foundations of Faith and Health

Course description

This course provides a review of the general history and philosophy of healthcare in relation to faith and emphasizes the multiple aspects of supporting the integration of health ministry into the life of a congregation.

How this course benefits students

The history of faith directly influences current beliefs and healthcare practices. A general understanding of the history of faith and health provides a foundation to influence the future of healthcare.

Why this course is important

Health and wellness are gifts from God. Christ’s mandate to heal includes the many aspects of holistic health and wellness included in the concept of health ministry.

Credit hours
3 hours
Subject area
Health Ministry
Educational level
Learning type
Upcoming terms
* Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Registrar's office with schedule questions.

How this course relates to missional core values

Biblically based

This course is based on a biblical worldview and includes scripture references and story.

Missionally driven

Faith and health impact the quality of life and worship practices.

Contextually informed

This course is based on the core principles, information and resources of the Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing, the Health Ministries Association and other national and international organizations focusing on faith and health.

Interculturally focused

Faith and health beliefs vary and need to be understood if wellness is to be achieved.

Practically minded

This course provides ample opportunities for knowledge to be utilized in practice.

Experientially transformed

This course includes interactive activities that assist the participant to utilize the information in a way that blends their unique gifts and talents with the needs of the community to be served.