Military members face psychological stressors, many of which were brought with them into the military service. This course will provide an overview of common psychological stressors with the corresponding programs and structures which address these issues.
Awareness of one's psychological strength and vulnerablities is foundational to personal well being and ministering to others who are in distress. Students will gain foundational insight to the dynamics of stress so they may understand and have the basis for working with military memebers and veterans.
Psycholigcal health is a core issue for military, their families, and veterans. Unerstanding their care systems is vital to assisting them finding and receiving appropriate assistance.
The admonition to guard one's heart relates not only to resisting templations, but to foster spiritual and psychological resilience and healing, the care of the soul.
Understanding healthcare systems will help people who are interested in reaching out to the military community.
Healthcare systems are central to the life and health of military members and their families. Understanding these systems will help in ministering in the military context.
Military members are a reflection of society as a whole. Psychological health is provided for many of the cultures found in the general society and in the military.
Psychological health in a sense is the ability to function well in society.
How people live their lives and receive care is a reflection of their psychological heatlh.