ETS4970EN - Theological Studies Bachelor Portfolio or Project

Course description

Provides you and opportunity to create a compilation of educational evidence enabling you to reflect on and assess your progress as a learner throughout your degree program and to document your accomplishments. Your project may become a vital part of your employment resume. Specific course numbers by department include: ETS 4971 - Biblical Studies

How this course benefits students

ETS 4972 - Missional Theology & History

Why this course is important

Students provide evidence of their growth in understanding sociocultural contexts missional ministry and practice.

Credit hours
3 hours
Subject area
Experiential Learning STS
Educational level
Learning type
Upcoming terms
* Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Registrar's office with schedule questions.

How this course relates to missional core values

Biblically based

ETS 4973 - Moral & Social Theology

Missionally driven

ETS 4974 - Cultural & Contextual Theology

Contextually informed

ETS 4975 - Ecotheology Studies.

Interculturally focused

Students gain an opportunity to reflect upon all course learning and to integrate it into a useful culminating project.

Practically minded

Portfolios and projects are rooted in the New Testament concept of "witness" as the person who explains what he has seen and heard.

Experientially transformed

Students will reflect upon and provide evidence of growth in their understanding of and participation in missio dei.