Do you know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer? Chances are you do. Recent research shows that 14.1 million people globally are diagnosed with cancer each year. This number is set to rise particularly in developing countries. This course will provide you with information about cancer, it's diagnosis, global trends in incidence, prevalence and mortality, it's treatment and prognosis. You will explore the causes of cancer and identify modifiable risk factors.
Students will need background training in epidemiology and demography. The course will help students to understand the biological basis of cancer, why cancer is increasing in society and how we as individuals can modify our behaviour to reduce our risk of cancer.
How do you minister to and help people with life threating diseases such as cancer? The course will provide students with the scientific knowledge and bibical framework to help them approach cancer patients and their families in a meaningful and helpful way.
Understanding that we are all created by God (genetic predisposition) and that God has a purpose for each of our lives . Exploring how life choices can affect not only our relationship with God but also our earthly body.
Reaching out to the sick and infirm with compassion. Helping others to to make wise choices looking to God for knowledge and understanding.
The course will help students to minister to patients who have been affected by cancer contextualising how the bible portrays illness and exploring the basis of Biblical healing.
The course will explore cancer incidence, prevalence and mortality globally; discussing how genetics, culture, environmental and lifestyle choices affect the disease and its prognosis.
The course will help to build students knowledge in cancer and how its affects people. They will explore how to communicate with those affected by cancer.
Students will be tasked with investigating the epidemiology of a specific cancer in a country of their choice. By discussion with other students you will identify pertitent cancer topics in the context of Biblical teaching.