ELD4450EN - Historical Perspectives of Global Christian Spirituality

Course description

The course provides an in-depth exploration of the historical development of Christian spirituality from its origins to the present day, with a particular focus on its global dimensions. Students will engage with major historical types of Christian spirituality, examining key leaders, movements, and practices that have shaped the spiritual landscape of Christianity worldwide. Students will explore representative writings of Desert, Benedictine, Franciscan, Ignatian, Mystical, and Protestant spiritual writers including Anthony the Great and Pachomius, the Benedictines and Cistercians, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Ignatius of Loyola, Meister Eckhart, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, and Martin Luther, John Calvin and the Pietists. Through a combination of lectures, readings, discussions, and experiential exercises, students will gain a nuanced understanding of the diverse expressions of Christian spirituality across different cultures and time periods.

How this course benefits students

This course benefits students in several significant ways. Firstly, it provides them with a comprehensive understanding of the historical development of Christian spirituality, allowing them to appreciate its richness and diversity. By engaging with major historical types of Christian spirituality and studying the writings of influential leaders, students develop critical thinking skills and analytical abilities that are applicable across various disciplines. Moreover, the course fosters intercultural competence by exploring how Christian spirituality has manifested differently in different cultures and contexts, promoting empathy and understanding. Through experiential exercises and discussions, students also have the opportunity to reflect on their own spiritual beliefs and practices, fostering personal growth and self-awareness. Overall, this course equips students with valuable insights into the human experience and contributes to their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development.

Why this course is important

This course holds immense importance for students interested in understanding the intricate dimensions of human spirituality and its global impact. Firstly, it provides a historical lens through which students can grasp the development of Christian spirituality, shedding light on how beliefs, practices, and interpretations have shaped societies across time. Secondly, in an increasingly interconnected world, this course promotes cultural sensitivity and appreciation by delving into the diverse expressions of Christian spirituality across different regions and communities. Thirdly, studying the lives and works of influential figures in Christian spirituality not only deepens students' understanding of history but also inspires critical reflection on their own beliefs and values. Finally, in a broader sense, this course encourages students to engage with spirituality as a fundamental aspect of human existence, fostering a holistic approach to intellectual inquiry. Thus, considering the profound impact of spirituality on individuals and societies, this course offers invaluable insights and skills that are relevant for personal, academic, and professional growth.

Credit hours
3 hours
Subject area
Emerging Leadership
Educational level
Learning type
Upcoming terms
* Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Registrar's office with schedule questions.

How this course relates to missional core values

Biblically based

This course implements Missional University's biblically-based core value by deeply integrating the scriptures into exploring Christian spirituality. Throughout the course, students do not merely study historical developments of spirituality in isolation; instead, they are guided to understand how the scriptures underpin and inform these spiritual practices and movements. The course emphasizes a biblical perspective by examining key leaders, movements, and practices within the historical context of Christianity, illuminating how the scriptures have shaped spirituality across different cultures and time periods. By engaging with representative writings and teachings of influential figures like Anthony the Great, St. Francis of Assisi, Meister Eckhart, and others, students gain historical insights and learn how the scripture was interpreted within their cultural contexts. This approach aligns with the core value of utilizing the scriptures as a theological framework for missional and ministry practices, ensuring that students develop a nuanced understanding of Christian spirituality deeply rooted in biblical principles and applicable to real-world contexts.

Missionally driven

This course in Global Christian Spirituality integrates Missional University's missionally-driven core value by instilling in students a deep understanding of how Christian spirituality intersects with the missio Dei. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to explore how Christian spirituality is not just a personal journey but also an integral part of God's mission in the world. By studying the historical development of Christian spirituality and engaging with diverse cultural expressions, students learn to discern how spirituality intersects with God's ongoing work in communities and societies. The course emphasizes a missiological perspective by examining key leaders and movements within Christian spirituality through the lens of the missio Dei. Students are challenged to identify where God is at work among different cultural groups and how Christian spirituality can contribute to the spiritual transformation of individuals and communities. Through discussions, readings, and experiential exercises, students develop a holistic view of spirituality as a dynamic force that engages with God's mission in diverse cultural contexts. Furthermore, the course encourages students to reflect on their own spiritual beliefs and practices in light of the missio Dei. By integrating the missional core value, this course equips students not only with historical and cultural insights but also with a transformative understanding of how spirituality can catalyze spiritual renewal and societal change as part of God's larger mission in the world.

Contextually informed

This course in Global Christian Spirituality is deeply contextually-informed, aligning with Missional University's commitment to incorporating contextual information into students' understanding and practice of spirituality. Throughout the course, students engage with historical case studies, research findings, and cultural analyses that illuminate the sociocultural dynamics impacting Christian spirituality globally. By delving into cultural aspects in historical contexts, students gain a nuanced understanding of how spirituality manifests and evolves within different communities. Moreover, the course encourages students to apply this contextual information directly to their ministry and missional practices. By incorporating contextual information as foundational to the course delivery, this Global Christian Spirituality course prepares students to be culturally sensitive, adaptive, and contextually relevant in their spiritual leadership roles. It empowers them to navigate the complexities of cultural diversity and apply their learning to real-world ministry contexts, contributing to the holistic transformation of individuals and communities within their local contexts.

Interculturally focused

The course aligns perfectly with Missional University's interculturally-focused core value. This course celebrates and explores the rich diversity of cultures within the context of Christian spirituality. Students engage with major historical types of Christian spirituality, including Desert, Benedictine, Franciscan, Ignatian, Mystical, and Protestant spiritual traditions. By studying the writings of influential leaders from various cultural backgrounds such as Anthony the Great, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and Martin Luther, students gain insights into how Christian faith has been expressed and practiced across different cultures and time periods. Moreover, the course encourages students to appreciate and embrace diverse cultural expressions of Christian spirituality. Through discussions, readings, and experiential exercises, students learn to discern culturally-appropriate ways of expressing faith and engaging in spiritual practices. This intercultural focus fosters empathy, respect, and understanding for different cultural contexts and expressions of Christian faith. 

Practically minded

The course embodies a practically-minded approach by focusing on the practical application of missional ministry skills. While theoretical knowledge is essential, the course emphasizes the practical understanding of implementing missional practices in real-world contexts. Students are encouraged to develop and enhance their missional ministry skills, equipping them to be effective agents of change and transformation in their communities and congregations. One way the course is practically-minded is through experiential exercises and discussions that allow students to apply aspects of historical global Christian spirituality to practical ministry scenarios. By engaging in hands-on activities and case studies in Christian spirituality, students gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of missional ministry in diverse cultural contexts. This practical approach not only deepens their understanding but also equips them with the skills and strategies needed to address real-life ministry situations effectively.

Experientially transformed

The course is designed to facilitate experiential transformation in students through its immersive and reflective learning approach. The course integrates an experiential orientation to the historical study of global Christian spirituality. This hands-on approach fosters deep reflection, integration of knowledge, and collaboration among students and faculty, leading to transformative experiences. One key aspect of experiential transformation in the course is the emphasis on theological and missional reflection within a community of missional and ministry practice. Students engage in meaningful discussions, share insights, and learn from each other's experiences, enriching their understanding of Christian spirituality and global perspectives. The course encourages students to interpret their experiences biblically, theologically, and missionally, guiding them to apply theoretical concepts to practical ministry situations.