CTH4200EN - Creative Process in Clinical Practice for Creative Arts Therapists

Course description

Provides an understanding of the relationship between body, mind and spirit and how this connection can provide tools for understanding the intersubjective therapeutic process in creative arts therapies. Introduces students to Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious. Provides students with a foundational understanding of group theory and practice. It examines concepts such as the stages of group development, group member roles, the therapist’s role, and leadership styles as well as the types of groups and their differing group goals, objectives, and techniques.

How this course benefits students

The course acquaints the student with an understanding of how the creative arts therapies incorporate the mind, body, and spirit. It will focus on group therapy, as creative arts approaches most commonly occur in a group setting.

Why this course is important

This course will examine the creative process in working with others using creative arts therapies. Since many evangelism efforts are group based, and since most creative arts therapies take place in a group context, this course will examine group dynamics as a central part of the creative process. This course will appeal to counselors, missionaries, and pastors alike in that it will equip students with a working knowledge of the group process that can be easily applied in any evangelical setting.

Credit hours
3 hours
Subject area
Creative Therapy
Educational level
Learning type
Upcoming terms
* Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Registrar's office with schedule questions.

How this course relates to missional core values

Biblically based

This course will rest on the scripture that all Christians are members of one body, and so it is with Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12). Creative arts therapies are commonly conducted in a group setting, and each member of the group makes up part of the whole creative process. This course will briefly examine Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious from a Biblical worldview: That ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and that there is NONE righteous (Romans 3:10). Humanity itself shares a collective experience in being separated from God. (A more thorough examination of this principle will be conducted in the Cinematherapy course.)

Missionally driven

This course encourages missional Christians to examine the dynamics of groups in sharing the gospel. Even when we believe we are ministering alone, we are always ministering in a group of at least two: the evangelist and God Himself.

Contextually informed

This course will consider the creative arts therapies in the context of group dynamics. All creative arts therapies have some sort of group element to them (the play is written by one, read by another; the music composition is written by one, played by another, and heard by the audience, etc.) This course will help students to understand the relationship between the mind, body, and spirit in the context of creative arts therapies.

Interculturally focused

Jungian archetypes are thought patterns that find worldwide parallels in individuals or entire cultures. They appear in dreams, religions, the arts, and social customs in all people. According to Jung archetypal ideas and patterns reside within the collective unconscious, which is a blueprint inherent in every individual. This course will assist the student in transcending intercultural issues and finding common ground among all peoples.

Practically minded

This course is practical in the sense that it examines group dynamics in the creative process, which is commonly encountered in church settings. Christians were not designed to be isolated, but to exist in relationship. The course makes practical use of this concept and discusses how group dynamics can be a tool for the missional Christian.

Experientially transformed

Creative arts, by nature and definition, is an experiential medium. Students will be equipped to take the lessons learned from the course and apply them directly in their church or missionary assignments. This course will also allow graduate students to hold mock group sessions using creative arts therapies so they can apply what they are learning right in class.