Introduction to basic techniques of both qualitative and quantitative methods of anthropological research. It focuses on techniques of ethnographic research design, data collection and analysis, and research report writing.
Students learn skills, tools, and techniques of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and communicating ethnographic research findings in diverse sociocultural and economic contexts. The course opens doors of ministry and career opportunities of ministry and public service sectors.
Ethnographic research involves the deep study of and comparison between cultures. Ethnographic research techniques have uses in mission work that are vital for missional leaders and practitioners to better understand the people they serve. Research also enables missional leaders to constantly evaluate their ministry and correct their course of action.
The course is designed to educate missional leaders about how to explore the sociocultural systems of the people and reach them in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The course is organized to educate local missional leaders and practitioners how to study the history and socio-cultural systems of people they serve.
The course focuses on the methods and techniques of studying cultures in diverse socio-cultural and historical contexts.
Ethnographic research methods strive to deeply study specific cultures as well as describe and compare cultures in order to formulate broad generalizations across cultures.
Throughout this course, students not only learn the theories and frameworks of ethnographic/ethnological methods but also practice designing and executing their own research projects and practically demonstrate their skills and technical knowledge of how to study cultures and effectively communicate research findings.
The course provides learners with opportunities to design and execute ethnographic projects in their communities to cultivate experience through exercises.