Graduate Certificate in Transforming Communities with a focus in Global Security & International Terrorism

Securing worldwide safety in the mission of God

Why Global Security & International Terrorism?

The Graduate Certificate in Global Security & International Terrorism equips students to analyze current security issues including risk assessment and management, homeland security policies and procedures, global security and methods to mitigate international terrorism; the prevention, detection, response, and investigation of terrorist incidents, and intelligence and counter-intelligence activities. Students develop the necessary skills to develop policies and procedures to secure community safety in their organizations and their wider community.

Increasingly faith-based organizations such as mission entities, nonprofits & NGOs, schools, churches, and church groups need someone in their organizations with in-depth knowledge about areas critical to protecting their personnel, property, and community which requires an understanding of border security, security policies, risk management, and the prevention, detection, response and investigation of security breaches. The program aims to enhance career skillsets for any personnel who have the responsibility to secure community safety while providing them a biblical foundation in public theology so they can join in the mission of God thru their work. In addition, missional Chrisitan with careers in law enforcement, public safety, cybersecurity, and emergency management will find the information applies in their career also.

Since September 11th, 2001, the U.S. Department of Labor has been predicting that the employment of security management personnel will grow faster than all other occupations due to the threat of terrorism. More than at any other time, organizations and governments continue to upgrade their existing security systems or contract with private firms to secure their facilities and provide worker protection. This need is expected to continue as concerns with threats to property and persons in our country and abroad continue to grow in the years ahead. The Graduate Certificate in Global Security & International Terrorism provides a pathway for faith-based organizations as well as public and private entities to develop personnel knowledgeable in security management.