Graduate Certificate in Missional Practice with a focus in Starting Missional Congregations

Serving by planting new churches in the mission of God

Why Starting Missional Congregations?

The Graduate Certificate in Starting Missional Congregations is a missionally driven, interdisciplinary certificate program enabling students to gain theological acuity and spiritual maturity, and equipping them to recruit, evaluate, train, and mobilize a diverse church planting team to join God in His mission.

Starting Missional Congregations requires planters led by God's Spirit. God calls ministry leaders to identify and recruit planters that conform to the church's or denomination's vision, mission, values, and doctrine. However for those new congregations to emerge, potential new planters must be prepared to relate the planting process to their personal background and giftedness, including their academic preparation, missional understanding, spirituality, and their understanding of the "business" side of ministry. New church planters must be trained to engage obstacles, navigate relationship dynamics, and identify potential problems related to starting congregations. Further, planters must rely on the Holy Spirit to guide them with their specific calling to the task of church planting. The Graduate Certificate in Starting Missional Congregations equips students to enhance their readiness to start churches by learning the stages and ongoing dynamics of planting reproducing, missional congregations.

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