The Department of Moral & Social Theology builds on a theological understanding of the missio dei [mission of God] that is consciously tied to the practice of a biblically grounded personal and social ethic. The current global situation demands that every missional graduate be fully aware of relativistic and pluralistic worldviews, of issues of personal and social injustice, and be equipped to engage those worldviews and issues confident of both ethical ends and means.
Our world is ruled by relativism, pluralism, and pragmatism. It manifests selfishness, oppression, and injustice. Those seeking to live missionally must be confident they are standing and operating on a solid biblical and theological foundation for both ethical and just means and ends. The missional student must know two things: One, that there is a biblical basis for a cross-cultural and cross-generational moral and social theology. Two, the student should also know that the character and integrity of the messenger and the grace, compassion, and justice of the method can and will enhance or block the communication of the gospel message or the implementation of gospel justice.
The Department of Moral & Social Theology challenges students to explore, analyze, and evaluate their personal, cultural, familial, and assumed moral and social ethic, always driving them back to biblical and theological foundations. Graduates then head into missional lives and careers confident that their lives, decisions, relations, and methods are grounded in a biblical theology.