The purpose of this course is to analyze the issues, trends, and methodological approaches for effective ministry to the Millennial generation in missional contexts. Students research, evaluate, and synthesize missional theology and generational theory in order to formulate their own ministry framework.
Students learn to combine cutting edge research with their own experience for the strategic development of ministry to Millennials that fits their particular calling, skills, and passions.
This course addresses best practices for the contextualization of the gospel among Millennials, a critical component of reversing the attrition rate among this cohort so that they may be equipped to be the next generation of church leaders.
The course stresses the missional-incarnational impulse as central to reaching Millennials.
The course assumes contextualization to be one of the primary methods of reaching Millennials.
The course considers ministry to Millennials to be a cross-cultural endeavor in which indigenous forms, symbols, and language must be accommodated.
The course challenges students to go beyond the theoretical and develop a robust praxis that is strategic and relevant to ministering to Millennials.
The course engages students at the experiential level through research assignments that require interaction with Millennials.