Upsurge Network Group

Praying, Promoting, Giving for a Global Tidal Wave of Missional Education

This Office facilitates a global network of prayer intercessors who believe that prayer is a primary means of accomplishing God’s work in the world. Lives, cities, and nations are transformed when God’s people pray. To that end, the network created a prayer team to provide intercessory support to the faculty, staff, and students of Missional University.

Through collaboration with the MU Global Partnership Team, the Missional Upsurge Network encourages mission entities, nonprofits & NGOs, Christian for-profit companies, schools, churches, and church groups to participate in missional causal networks and partner with the university by bringing cohorts of students and receiving students for experiential learning.

Through collaboration with the MU Global Advancement Team, the Missional Upsurge Network encourages financial support of the university, scholarship funds, and project initiatives.