This course will uncover a theology of the city that gives Christians a rationale and biblical understanding of the meaning and purpose of cities. We will delve into the parameters of the gospel, the role of common grace in the city, and the church's involvement in shaping urban form.
For many entering into fields ranging from urban planning to architecture to church planting to community development arises the need to have a more robust theological understanding of the city. This framework guides both professionals and ministry leaders alike. Many people today live, serve, and work in the city but fail to make the connection with God's plans and purposes in the city nor a biblical understanding of them. This course is a rudder to guide students along regardless of what their career path is.
The city is unequivocally the focal point for mission. Unfortunately many ministry leaders, pastors, and missionaries don't even have a theological framework for the city nor an understanding of God's purposes for the city and the role of the church within. This course is foundational for healthy missional engagement within the city.
The Bible has a lot to say about cities and housed within is a robust theological understanding of the nature and purpose of cities. This theological underpinning gives students a deeper understanding of not only their role in living and ministering in the city, but God's plans and intentions for cities.
This course explores the urban nature of the Bible and displays the urban trajectory of the missio Dei.
The nature of this class is based upon context … the city. We explore how cities impact and influence our theology and at the same time how our theology informs us of our understanding of cities.
Cities are the landing place for new residents, immigrants, refugees, and the like. They are inherently multicultural and it is then this context where we begin applying a theological framework.
A deeper theological understanding of not only the city but God's work in the cities informs us which gives followers a Christ a more comprehensive way to engage practically in the city. Whereas before it was assumed that the role of the Christian is about spiritual things, but a theology of the city leads us to get involved in city building which entails a city's economics, built environment, and more.
Theology is not to be done in a vacuum, but instead in community. Throughout this course students will reflect and engage in theologizing in the context of a community.