TEJ5700EN - Theology of Missional Economic Justice

Course description

How are we to think and act regarding economic justice in the face of diverse social contexts, contemporary economic theories, philosophies and practices? This course establishes contextually relevant, ethically responsible, and biblically sound academic discipline towards a theology of equitable justice. It calls students to be part of what God is doing, give witness to the ushering in of the kingdom and invite the world to join in. To achieve this aforementioned search, we explore, analyse, and reflect on the theology of economic justice as a missional practice. It surveys the intersection of issues related but not limited to poverty, wealth, money, equity, aid etc. from a missional, biblical and theological perspective to shape our economic reasoning, participation and attitude towards the poor and marginalised.

How this course benefits students

The four reasons why students need this course: 1) it will provide students with ways to theologically analyse, conceptualise and exercise their faith in the intersection between mission and economic justice; 2) It also helps students develop a theologically responsible and contextually sensitive social presence in their various communities in matters of equitable justice as part of Christian witness; 3) it helps students to reflect carefully and intentionally and foster thinking and behaviour that is reflective of the gospel and the nature of God (merciful, just, reconciling etc.); 4) and the course allows students to interact with their contexts while learning the broader aspects of social justice.

Why this course is important

For students to witness and participate in the world creatively, faithfully and intentionally, they need to explore and reflect on the theological basis of their understanding and commitment to economic justice. This course provides a theological framework and platform for the required Christian scholarly conversation, participation and ministry regarding economic justice.

Credit hours
3 hours
Subject area
Theology of Equitable Justice
Educational level
Learning type
Upcoming terms
* Schedule subject to change. Please contact the Registrar's office with schedule questions.
Dr. Basilius Kasera, Professor of Economic Theology

How this course relates to missional core values

Biblically based

We derive our understanding of equitable and economic justice from the framework of God’s self-revelation. That is, we take the Bible’s authority seriously to inform our belief, reasoning and conduct in all aspects of life and to be part of God’s redeeming work in the world.

Missionally driven

The course encourages students to become part of the transformation that God is doing in their various communities and the world. It encourages students to discern and be part of God’s transformative mission through witnessing, faithful presence, and participation. We believe Christian reflection and participating in dialogues and activities of equitable and economic justice activities serves as part of this mission of God in the world.

Contextually informed

In this course we hold that the ultimate context of humanity is that which the Bible tells us - all have sinned. We are fully aware of the shortcoming of humans, yet we believe that God, in His grace, is at work in these various human contexts. Our study of economic and equitable justice takes into consideration these contextual realities to enable us to become effective communicators and participants.

Interculturally focused

We believe that God works with people within their cultural context. This course challenges students to express their faith in their social context - sensitively and graciously but faithfully. The quest for equitable justice carries culturally loaded issues. We need to approach them with the utmost cultural appropriateness through genuine relationships and communication.

Practically minded

Although we are engaged in an academic exercise, we do not advocate for mere head knowledge. We believe that all knowledge should be put to practical use; this is part of the task of discipleship. Economic justice thinking should lead us to participate in more just, faithful, and responsible action in the world.

Experientially transformed

Students doing this course are interacting with real-life situations of economic justice in their context. We intend to shape students to integrate what they experience in their context into their learning. In as much as students need strong theoretical foundations, they need experiences where they can develop the ability to grabble with real issues if they are to craft authentic, meaningful solutions facing their communities.