Beliefs, attitudes, and practices related to health and nutrition vary around the world. Course covers a range of topics including theoretical models for working with multicultural populations, nutrition program planning and evaluation, as well as health literacy. Students partner with local health or food-related organizations to provide nutrition education.
Health beliefs and nutrition practices are communicated from generation to generation within the family and community of origin. Students will learn about conducting a nutritional learning needs assessment, program planning, and evaluation. Readings and course content provide theory and research findings. Students will explore barriers and opportunities for biblically-based nutrition education by observing secular events.
Course examines nutrition education and its wide-ranging implications for health and/or nutrition ministries. Students gains experience by partnering with a local health or food-related organization to create education materials and provide nutrition education. This course is designed to assist the lay person interested in creating and/or assisting with food and/or health related ministry in various settings.
Students will explore biblical perspectives on nutrition, and a Christian’s responsibility to be a role model.
Health and nutrition concepts are applied with a mission focus to holistically engage communities. Students will identify nutrition education opportunities within new and/or existing food ministry platforms.
Course content is contextually informed, specifically related to health and nutrition. The class will focus on nutrition education within communities.
Case studies and readings help students explore culturally relevant nutrition education strategies.
Course will provide practical considerations such as health literacy. Students implement strategies for addressing health and nutrition within communities as a concerned layperson, as well as through the church body.
Students gains experience by partnering with a local health or food-related organization to assess nutrition learning needs, develop education materials, and provide nutrition education.