This course examines issues for transitioning a church from an attractional, seeker sensitive, traditional, program driven church to a missional community driven church. Students will study the biblical foundations for each form of church and study trends for why making a transition to the missional church is needed. For those serving in or planting from an established church this course will look at the process to change an already established church. This class will give students a framework to develop their own step by step system to develop a discipleship culture in their church transforming people into missional disciple makers.
The less “Christian” our society becomes the less the attractional, seeker sensitive, traditional, program driven church will be relevant. More and more churches will need to make the decision to change or die. It is important that the Church begin to learn to transition to a missional community based church to make disciples that make disciples.
The studies show that less and less people are attending church. With less and less of the younger generations having an interest in church the Church can’t keep doing church the way it has always been done. The Church will need to make a transition to stay relevant.
This course will be based on a biblical worldview. We will focus on key texts from the book of Acts particularly building on Acts 1:8, Acts 2:42-48, Jesus’ missional community from Luke, the church at Antioch from Acts 11. A grounding in scripture will be key for students to learn how to multiply disciples effectively.
The studies show that less and less people are attending church. With less and less of the younger generations having an interest in church the Church can’t keep doing church the way it has always been done. The Church will need to make a transition to stay relevant.
Each context is different when transitioning but the course will help each student allow the culture to be their context when making the transition.
This course will seek to integrate the concepts into every cultural context. The theme contextually will be “let culture be your context.” The course will bring in practitioners from many different culture’s.
This course will help the students to develop practical ways they can live missionally in their everyday life.
The course will encourage students to live out what they are learning and share their experiences with the rest of the class.