Analysis of aspects of living and ministering in a cross cultural context. The student will compare home culture and host culture in order to have the best approach for thriving in an intercultural setting. Through reading, discussion, presentations and exams, the student will investigate strategies for living and ministering in a cross cultural context.
The bachelor level course is an introduction to aspects of living cross culturally and factors one will experience in a very short amount of time. The master's level will evaluate the differences between home and host culture so the student can determine potential risks and warning signs to avoid burnout. The student will be able to create safeguards prior to arrival to be set up for best success.
From the time of the New Testament, believers have taken the Gospel to places where people have never heard the name of Jesus. Missionary attrition shows us that prepared missionaries not only stay on the field longer but also have more meaningful ministries. This course will address the issues and techniques that contribute to successful lifestyles and ministries in a cross cultural context.
Both courses have a biblical understanding of intercultural living. This course on living and ministering cross culturally will expand the student's biblical understanding of ministering cross culturally.
This course examines what it will be like for the student to live and minister missionally in a cross culture setting.
Intercultural ministry requires discovering the various aspects of a given culture and learning the best ways to share the gospel in that given cultural context.
Students need to have adequate preparation in order to serve in a context that they are not used to. Students will learn ways to live and serve in a new culture.
The students will have assignments that will practically prepare them to live and serve in an intercultural setting. Some assignments may be as simple as taking a city bus for the first time.
Prior to living in a new culture, students can gain experiences through assignments and projects. These will help students share their worldview and develop the ability to live and minister in an intercultural setting.