Focuses on religious art in the Judeo-Christian tradition, including ancient Jewish and early Christian art, as well as tracing the later developments of Christian art through the ages. The student explores and evaluates the issues of debate and controversy regarding religious art in the monotheistic traditions of Judaism and Christianity, such as the iconoclastic conflict and the Seventh Ecumenical Council in 787. The distinct eastern and western traditions that emerge in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions are highlighted, as well as the effect of the Protestant Reformers on Christian art in the West.
This course gives the student the background to understand and critique religious art throughout the centuries.
Whether appreciated, disliked, or misunderstood, art has always been a constant in the Judeo-Christian tradition. This course provides the student with the tools to understand and appreciate the role art has played in expressing doctrine, conveying the human condition, and glorifying the work of God.
The course confirms the Biblical affirmation of art and beauty.
Art, and especially an understanding of religious art, provides bridges for connecting with people of all religious backgrounds.
The course examines both the trans-cultural aspects of Judeo-Christian art and cultural expressions of the same.
Exploring a variety of cultural expressions of Judeo-Christian art provides insight into the global nature of the gospel.
Understanding and appreciating art can provide the student with ways to engage others in spiritual conversations.
Many students experience, for the first time, an appreciation of art in the Judeo-Christian traditions.