The economics of aging impacts every man, woman and child – from healthcare access, health care costs, access to healthy food and services, housing, transportation and care, health, wealth and financial prosperity. Implications for culture and society are somewhat different across countries and regions, and will be explored, discussed and charted during the course.
We live in a time when everything is changing more quickly than ever before. As a world, attention needs to be given to the most vulnerable and fastest growing population with regard to all infrastructures or we will ultimately all loose.
The economics of aging is integral to every discipline and community.
The bible clearly defines God’s economy/economic policy. Obey, honor and love – needs taken care of. Not following Biblical principles, things will not go well.
God’s love for all of his children; the last, lost, least, as well as the properous. He does not measure His provision more or less for those who are His; regardless. Policies for aged are to be equitable, just, humane, compassionate.
the context of aging varies by gender, where in the aging categories, country, culture, health, mobility, healthcare structure, SES. Jesus was not equal in His healing: it was just and equitable, depending upon context at the time.
Similarities and differences in the aging process are viewed through and across cultures.
My personal philosophy is what is good for elderly people is good for all of us; however, there are no cookie cutter people, so there must be flexibility and creativity.
through the course, students will be immersed in the experience of aging in its many contexts.