Focuses on the more complex business risk of the stock market, and modern asset pricing options for the stock market. Students also study how to evaluate the decision of money managers, particularly hedge fund managers. Additional focus will be on choices that businesses can make in order to protect assets. Finally, students look at derivative contracts, options and futures contracts, and managing portfolio risk.
This course will provide students with an understanding of the concepts and tools necessary to make financial decisions on behalf of a corporation by applying existing theories on how to correctly managing a corporation’s stock market risks.
This course will provide students with the concepts and skills they need to have to analyze a stock market to understand how the function of the market affects a corporation’s portfolio of assets. The course will emphasize market strategies that are risky for a corporation as well as how to manage a portfolio of assets to minimize risk to the corporation.
Christians are to be good stewards of what they have been charged to manage. This course addresses how a corporation may legally and ethically operate within the stock market.
This course provides the business student with more advanced business financial knowledge that will enable them to be a more effective financial leader within any organization and appropriately manage a corporation’s financial risk.
Focus will be on how a corporation manages its financial risk which dealing in the stock market, generally, and specifically with the US stock market.
This course will address the various stock markets that operate around the world and their impact on corporate risk management.
This course will provide students with practical knowledge on how the stock market functions and under what conditions a corporation should use the stock market to acquire assets.
The focus on the course will be on providing students with practical knowledge and skills for making the best financial decisions on behalf of a corporation.