This course covers the balance between conviction and humility in negotiation and then current issues in conflict resolution are presented. In addition, this course provides case studies of environmental disputes and analysis of their outcomes. Students present a dispute resolution that failed and how they would have achieved success.
This course benefits students by providing knowledge of failures in environmental justice and skills in how the dispute could have been resolved favorably to minorities and low-income groups. There are many different stakeholders in environmental disputes and this course prepares students to address and satisfy the myriad of interested parties.
This course is important because it enables the Environmental Justice Advocate to mission to minorities and low-income communities while at the same time bringing the different stakeholders on board to compliment the mission and achieve it.
Psalm 112:5 teaches "good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice. The verb חוֹנֵ֣ן means to deal graciously." 1 Corinthians 10:24 instructs us to do what is good for others, not just what is good for yourselves.
Coming to the aid of environmentally afflicted communities with competent knowledge of the issues amongst stakeholders adds permanence to the mission.
This course informs students of the evolving career of Environmental Justice Advocate. The context is technological, scientific and legal.
This course focuses on advocating for minorities and low-income groups such as indigenous peoples around the world. These communities are widely different in their cultures and advocates tailor make their support to these different cultures.
This course is practical because it applies evolving technological, scientific and legal analytical methods in order to minister to people and their respective communities.
The student is transformed experientially by all the above to become an Environmental Justice Advocate.