Functional ecology is the branch of ecology that focuses on the roles, or functions, that species play in the community or ecosystem in which they occur. In this approach, physiological, anatomical, and life history characteristics of the species are emphasized. It represents the true crossroads between ecological patterns and the processes and mechanisms that underlie them. Functional ecology often emphasizes an integrative approach, using organismal traits and activities to understand community dynamics and ecosystem processes, particularly in response to the rapid global changes occurring in earth’s environment.
For every action there is a reaction. Ecological processes respond to stimuli from manmade influencers. As mankind continues to grow ecological systems adapt and play a dynamic role in community processes on a global scale.
Any student that wants to know the role and function species play in community and ecological systems should take this course
For he has a plan and knows all. Biblical principles of discover will be implemented in this course
Relationships among biotic and abiotic systems are important and student will demonstrate functionality of plant ecology
The entire course will deal with the issue of how to contextualize the functionality of plant ecology
Students from any and every culture will be exploring and evaluating their own contexts for functional experimental plant ecology
Students will leave the course with a rounded knowledge of functional and experimental role of ecology
The course will engage each students in the capcity to better understand the relaioship, interaction, synergism and antagonist approaches to these concepts.