In-depth study of core terms and issues of the major non-Christian religions in Asia. Special attention is given to understanding these faiths, as well as developing an intercultural strategy to connect with and reach out to people of different faiths.
We seek to further develop a deeper view of the complexities of non-Christian faiths in Asia and meaningful approaches to sharing the gospel in their cultural framework and relevancy.
The course introduces students to contextualized strategies of sharing the gospel so that they can develop their own approach to presenting the gospel effectively in their context.
Students learn to recognize the different ways God has revealed himself and to treasure God's unique revelation of himself in Christ.
The focus is to know the nature of religion and its relationship to worldview and culture by identifying key beliefs and practices of major world religions. Students develop an appropriate gospel presentation for their context.
This course seeks to understand the meaning and basic processes of contextualization as it relates to evangelism and to appreciate the importance of making the gospel contextually relevant and biblically faithful.
Students develop a presentation for evangelism appropriate for shame-oriented cultures.
Students learn to use research methodology to better understand world religions and minister in that context.
By understanding the role and importance of folk beliefs and practices, students learn to respect the people of non-Christian religions.